New locks πŸ˜ƒ

Loving my subtle, natural looking new beliyage I got done a few nights ago! Thought I would lighten things up for summer! Besides, I definitely needed some change and my hair was getting way too long so I got it cut and shaped too πŸ™‚ I love it I feel so refreshed! It’s funny how much hair can change everything!



It’s okay to think about the future and the past at times, but when you focus too much on either the past or the future, you are unable to be grateful and happy for the now! Live in the moment and enjoy every minute of your life! If your stuck living in your past this can be quite toxic to your life and cause stress and sadness. If you cannot stop worrying about the future (a bit like myself, which I am working on), then anxiety starts to kick in, don’t let it takeover your beautiful life!

Have a beautiful, happy day people xxx
